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Home Our Services Predictive Analytics

Virtual Business Simulations/Digital Twin

We create digital replicas of a company’s operation, bridging the physical and virtual world, allowing the two to coexist to better understand its functions, modeling the results to look into the future. We use a combination of tops down approach and a bottoms up approach to get a holistic view of the functionality. We use tools such as:

  • Agent Based Modeling
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Dynamic Modeling
  • Discrete Time Modeling

Strategic Modeling

Strategy is key to decision making. We give businesses their unique decision-making capacity in a complex, competitive and uncertain market to enhance they’re functioning to the optimal capacity and to enhance their market share in existing and potential markets. Our models use the following and more:

  • Game theory
  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Risk Analysis/Sensitivity Analysis
  • Stakeholder Analysis/Strategy Analysis
  • SWOT Analysis

Business Analytics/Marketing Analytics

We use statistical and computational techniques that analyze current and historical facts to forecast future events, using techniques such as:

  • Data Mining
  • Predictive Modeling
  • Machine Learning